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Easy way to proofread your papers

Nowadays many busy learners are looking for an opportunity to make their lives easier to some extent. It seems to be not a simple task taking into consideration the fact the studying process requires a lot of time and energy. To have the best grades one need to try hard but, unfortunately, even if you make every effort the result does not always meet the expectations. In this case, we can offer the help of the paper writer services. Writing assignments are the essential part of the studying process and it even does not matter what kind of specialty you have chosen. To find the professional editing and proofreading services online, everything you need to do is to write “I need proofreading of my paper” and you will find the necessary assistance at once. The professional paper editor will complete all the assignments before the deadline and help to save your energy for the projects you need to realize the most. The information on different types of the perception of the information will be very helpful and interesting in this way.

Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital. How to determine the types of perception of information

You know that by understanding your type of perception (who you are: the visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital), you can increase the quality and speed of your learning and be able to communicate to a person with the high accuracy.

How to determine the types of perception of information and how to use this knowledge in communication and learning we will discuss in this article.

A ten-year-old child, who was considered completely incapable of learning was brought to one wise teacher. Parents complained that no matter how they tried, they could not teach their son the simplest arithmetic. How much they did try to fold sticks, apples, nothing came out. He could not learn how to add and subtract. The teacher talked to the boy for a few minutes. Then he asked his parents to sit aside while he would teach their boy to count. Then the teacher asked a boy to stand up and jump over the pebbles. At first, the boy just jumped over the pebbles. Then the teacher said: "Look, you jump once, then the second time, and then jump twice again. How many times did you jump? " And suddenly the boy answered: “Four”. Then the boy jumped and thought more. In one day he mastered arithmetic, that is usually mastered by ordinary children in six months. The parents sat with their mouths open.

Why did this become possible? The teacher was wise. He understood that this boy should be taught a lesson the way he was able to perceive. That is not just to hear the information, but absorb it in the most understandable way for him.

Today we will talk about what types of perceptions exist and how the understanding of the perception types helps build relationships and successful learning. Also, we will touch very important topic on how to determine your own type of perception.

In the simplest approximation, four types of the information perception are distinguished: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital.

Channels of perception: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital

A person perceives information through the main five channels: visual, auditory, tactile, tasteful, olfactory. The thing is that after perception, the information is processed in our head. The interesting fact is that it is processed on the basis of one prevailing system.

There are four main types of sensory systems:

  • Visual. When the visual information processing system is dominant, you pay most attention to shape, location, color.
  • Auditory. When the dominant is the auditory system of information, you notice the sounds, melodies, tone, volume, timbre, purity at the first turn.
  • Kinesthetic. The dominant of sensual information means the main focus on touch, taste, smell, a sense of texture, temperature.
  • Digital. Linked to the logical construction of the internal dialogue.

One should not think that the dominance of one particular part means the weakness of the others. It means that one of the systems is most often the fundamental one. It is the leading system that triggers the process of thinking, becomes the impetus for other mental processes: memory, imagination, suggestions.

For the best paper editing service, it does not matter what kind of the perception system you have because they take care of every writing task. You may feel that your paper needs improving and you may not be satisfied with the result despite the much spent time and a lot of efforts. At the same time, you understand that you cannot make it better because of different reasons: fatigue, lack of time or inspiration. It is high time to contact the pro essay editing and get the necessary help.

They say: "Imagine the soft fur of a cat". The visual person must imagine the cat first and only then recall what kind of soft fur it has. Auditory one imagines the sounds of a cat (purring, meowing), and then he/ she can recall other sensations. Kinesthetic one immediately senses the touch of the fur, and only then the visual image. Digital one needs to say to yourself “a cat” and only after that internal speech, to imagine the image of a cat and its fur.

Each of us sees the image of a cat in the head, but some can emerge the image of a cat immediately, and other can do it with the help of his/ her dominant system. The trigger system helps translate the stimulus into images in our brains quickly. That is why the understanding of your leading system allows you to create the principle of perception and memorization of any information individually and accurately.

The reliable essay proofreading service understands all the nuances in the perception of the information and uses them to help the customers in the best way. How it works page introduces you the simple way of possible cooperation. The wide range of possibilities that are offered by the academic editing online shows how to make the learning process easier. For the obtaining the best result, it is very important to have the similar view on the task or assignment with your paper rewriter.

How to determine the types of perception of information? A test for determining the type of perception.

There are several ways to determine your type of perception and find out who you are: auditory, visual, kinesthetic, or digital type of person. Let us find it out.

1. Watch yourself. Watch at what you use most often in the course of your thinking activity. How are your thoughts organized? Bright pictures and images (visual), sensations (kinesthetic), sounds and intonations (auditory), internal speech, logical connections, meanings (digital).

2. There is a short list of words below. Try to catch what would be the first you imagined, from what element the presentation would begin? And what would arise later?

  • Soft to touch velvet
  • Musician playing the violin
  • Bitter medicine
  • Plane, that is taking off

If the picture or image is the first from what the presentation began, then, most likely, you are a representative of the visual type. If the image started with sounds, and only then the pictures appeared, then you are an auditory type. If you need to imagine bodily how the objects are located or you felt the bodily sensations immediately, the most likely you are the representative of the kinesthetic type. In the case you needed to speak the word first, it appeared that you are the digital type. Try the test to understand what is your learning style better.

3. Watch yourself and note what type of short-term memory is better developed? What do you grasp quickly and easily: pictures, sounds, sensations, logical connections? What is easier for you to remember?

4. People of each type of perception use in their speech certain phrases and expressions that are specific to their leading, triggering system. However, it is not the crucial point to determine what type of the information perception you are.

There is also a certain classification of students types who need the help of the fast proofreading service. Check it for yourself and make up your mind.

How to determine what type of perception you belong to: visual, auditory, kinesthetic or digital by your speech?

Carefully follow your speech and write out the exact phrases that you use to indicate your opinion, your actions. A person of a particular type of perception would often use the phrases which are common for this modality.

Visual type

Visual type of people use words and phrases related to the visual actions: I did not see, I saw, I noticed, it seems to me, it was colorful and gorgeous, it looks, I focus on, contrast, perspective, you see...

Auditory type

The people of an auditory type use such phrases more often: “I can not understand what you are saying”; “I did not hear”; “I’ve already heard it”; “I’ve recently heard”; “Glad to hear from you”; “This idea sounds tempting”.

Kinesthetic type

For this type of perception, the phrases showing the emotional and physical responses are common: “I can not stand this”; “It's disgusting”; “It's so nice”, “I feel goosebumps”; “Such a pleasant warmth”; “It was the strongest experience I’ve ever had”. Their nonverbal signs often are very revealing. The facial expressions and gestures speak louder than words.

Digital type

Digital people pay attention to logic and communication. There is no any specific typical set of words for them, there the phrases of auditory and kinesthetic type can appear. Often the representatives of the digital type ask: “What is the point in this?; I do not understand how this is connected; I would like to bring everything into the system; It is necessary to sort it out somehow”. However, such expressions are characteristics of the most types with a good sense of organization. Therefore, the definition of the digital type of people should occur with the thorough caution in speech.

Each of the types has its own peculiarities that influence its perception of the surrounding information, the educational processes, the interaction with other people.

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