Professional Editing Services Help Discover Your Talents


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We often lament that we know little and are lack of talents. But in fact, each of us is able to become talented. Yes, that's right, not to be born talented, but to become one. Each of us has a lot of talents and abilities, but we often do not even know about them. To see these talents, to understand them, we need to learn only one thing, that is how to learn to study.

I think this is the main skill that opens the door to a world of fantastic results and extraordinary discoveries. Just think: when you say that, for example, you do not know how to play a musical instrument, do you really tell the truth? After all, you did not even try to play it. What if it turns out that you are enchantingly performing the most complex works. You just had not a chance to master the instrument.

How can you say that you are afraid of heights if you have never been on the top? How can you say that you are a bad driver if you have not tried to drive?

In order to understand your talents, you need to master the basic skills in a particular case, practice them, and only then, from the top of your experience, to draw conclusions, whether you like it or not, whether there are talent and ability for this case or there is none.

To take a verdict in absentia is the same as to diagnose a person without even asking him/her what he /she is complaining about. It is impossible to understand the essence of the matter, not to be involved in it at least partially.

Anyone can learn to do something at a good level. Whether it's drawing, driving, speed reading, active listening, calculating integral equations or any other skill or information. I want to talk about the key principles that allow us to learn how to learn.

How to learn. Principles of mastering the information and skills.

1. How to learn: To receive new skills and knowledge in a natural way

The natural way is the way this knowledge and skills are obtained by researchers, scientists, pioneers. This path combines the simultaneous mastering of theory and practice. That is to study the given theory problem during the practical assignments.

For example, you are studying the law. It is pointless to learn all the laws and rules from the very beginning, and then, after long and painful months or years of cramming, try to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Moreover, it does not work for almost anyone. How should we act?

  • Take a separate small thematic block, let us say, civil marriage and the division of property.
  • Find a brief descriptive theory about what belongs to this block (literally 1-2 pages of a general description), but not study what laws exist and how such matters are solved. Find the realistic descriptions of cases that existed in practice.
  • Attempt to find solutions to the problem in the first approximate independent version, according to the initial data.
  • Then, go back to the theory, laws, acts, and rules and study those blocks that relate to this task.
  • Try to solve the problem, relying on these elements of the theory.
  • Take some more practical tasks from this topic and study them the same way

At the end of this topic, review the entire theory, from the beginning to the end. But now it will be clear and much easier to master them. At this stage, it is important to fill in the gaps or find what has been unclaimed in practice. And it often turns out that after such a study the theory does not need to be taught, it is mastered automatically in the course of solving practical problems.

2. How to learn: Take the real examples

The problem of the unnaturalness of the examples on which the learning takes place can be found everywhere. It is important to remember that in trying to simplify your training, we take the simplest isolated practical tasks. But this is the root of our problems. The brain remembers the algorithms and small patterns of actions that met for the first time in the studied area.

This means that your first conditional examples will be the basis for the work of your brain. This is why it is more difficult to relearn something. For example, to train using just one single tool in Photoshop program, master all cases of its application is not justified. When you edit photos, you will need a set of tools and methods, not just one.

What needs to be done? The answer is to take real examples and objects. You can take more easy examples and go to the complex ones, but they must be real and practical, which you are likely to meet.

If you are engaged in jurisprudence, then take examples of real cases; if you master Photoshop, then take the lessons of the real photo correction; if you are learning to draw, then immediately draw small pictures, not individual elements (perspective, chiaroscuro, etc.); if you are studying mathematics, then immediately practice on examples similar to those that will be in examination tasks; if you are learning the typing, then use all your fingers and letters at once.

It is also important to learn how to use some separate parts (which are not often used), but not during the learning process. Those who already have a great experience need these skills. As these people understand the essence of the subject and now want to develop their abilities even deeper. That is the time when it makes sense to dive into the details, but not earlier.

3. How to learn: Find a technique or a good teacher that will show you the logic of learning.

If there is neither one nor the other, create your own conditions when you understand this logic.

As it was mentioned, the internal logic or decision-making model in any skill is the most valuable thing that gathers our individual knowledge and skills into a certain skill that gives us results. Without this inner logic, we can not do anything, even if we have received an excellent education.

To learn successfully, ideally, you need to find an experienced person: a teacher, a leader who will show you this inner logic. You must go through this path in the skill you are learning consciously or intuitively.

What is this internal logic? Let's look at the example of solving equations in mathematics. You can know the whole theory, analyze different types of solutions, algorithms, but you see this particular example on paper and do not know what to do at all. What makes a good teacher or a good technique? Shows the essence of decisions, reasoning, and choice of methods.


With mathematics, you will say, everything is more or less clear. But similar principles also apply to other areas where you need to learn. Let's take another example: learning how to start and run a business. What usually happens in courses and trainings on this topic? Business tools, business processes, steps, what needs to be done, how to conduct bookkeeping, how to manage employees. All these are separate parts of a single internal logic, which few people can give.

All individual elements can be extremely difficult to connect together and go through the entire process of building a business, you need a whole picture. And it begins with the definition of what business is for (most often for money), what ideological principles you invest in it (someone wants business only to help people, someone is eco-friendly, the other is the most profitable, only unique, etc). Then you are given a sequence of actions how to choose a niche, how to analyze the market, assess risks and many other actions with which it is better to start.

It is important to understand the sequencing, especially when you need to choose. This logic can be learned only from an experienced businessman/ woman who understands it and applies it to building his/ her business.

The quickest way to learn to study well is to find a real teacher

Inexperienced people often start a business with a big number of competitors, or they take too large volumes and can not cope with them. They choose not the actual and not needed niche. This happens precisely because they do not feel the logic that needs to be followed.

As it was noted, if there is no mentor nearby who can show the inner logic, you can use techniques and tools built on this principle. But it often happens that there is nothing suitable.

How to act in this case?

How to learn to study if there is no good teacher? In a number of areas, one can create conditions that are close to the ideal variant. For example, you are a student and need some help with the writing task. The perfect solution could be to address the paper editor This can not always be done in every field of your studying, but it is still possible with the top essay editing services.

It is important to try to find examples, the answers to which are written and explained. Where the author unwittingly prescribed a step-by-step algorithm, what and how he did. For example, the network has a lot of lessons on how to draw and make collages in Photoshop. The lessons are built according to the principle "take the brush tool, select the color # 456783, draw a straight line from the upper left corner, go to the settings, levels ", “set the value to 54", etc.

In this lesson, a real practical example is always explained, not individual but integral skills are being worked on and the logic of the work is partially observed, what is done and in what order. Yes, in such lessons there is no explanation for why this or that method is chosen. But with regular training on real lessons, you can build this experience yourself, simply by repeating step by step what the others have done before.

If there are examples of solutions (exact photoshop lessons, examples of solving equations, chemical tasks, business building cases, examples of pages, cases of excellent advertising campaigns, cases of psychological situations and their solutions), then you should repeat them, go through and independently feel this inner logic. Sometimes it seems useless: just go through step by step what has already been done. But it is the very way you can understand the inner logic. The more complex skill is, the harder it will be to understand. But, still, it is possible.

There are a lot of useful hints we are eager to share with you. The professional essay editing service is always open to the new ideas and modern approaches. So, you may find the necessary assistance whenever you need it and be sure of the perfect result. Our best proofreading companies will help you get the success and discover your inner talents.

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